Application virtualization, IoT and Cloud Computing, Blog of Sacha Thomet

Netscaler Gateway VPX

“Cannot complete your request‘” on Netscaler Gateway VPX

In my lab environment I was using a Citrix Webinterface 5.x which was accessible  from Internet over a Access Gateway 5 VPX. Since Citrix Store Front is in a fairly usable release (> Version 2.x), I intended to update my lab environment to the current software releases and update my skills to Store Front and Netscaler Gateway VPX.

You can find a step by step Netscaler Gateway intro here
Also a very nice guide you can find here, this guide also contains information about how to configure StoreFront for Netscaler Gateway VPX:

Cannot complete your request

After completion of the configuration I was not able to access the my environment from outside. The login to the Netscaler Gateway, the black window, was working fine, but as soon I hit the StoreFront I get this Error:


Because StoreFront is working fine from internal, I assumed that’s not a completely wrong StoreFront configuration. After i had a look into the event viewer on the StoreFront server I can see that something is wrong here:



The crucial indication that’s a problem between the Store Front server and the the Netscaler Gateway in role of Authentication Callback Server I found here:


when I browse to the address https://192.168.x.x/CitrixAuthService/AuthService.asmx you can see a certificate error, so I need to have here a FQDN that match to the installed certificate but I wont communicate outside, so first I’ve defined the internal IP as Callback URL:



Now I’ve changed the Callback URL to the FQDN appropriate to the certificate:


But because the DNS resolve this URL as the external IP which is not accessible over the necessary TCP ports, I was constrained to do a dirty hack … I have edited my host file :
