Client to Server Content Redirection
Client to Server Content Redirection no more working because of License Error
Recently I faced a really strange error with a weird solution. Because I didn’t found this on the web I post this here, maybe it can help someone else too.
We had the issue that users cannot use anymore the Client to Server Content Redirection, means they can’t double-click anymore on *.vsd files to open the file with the XenApp server installed MS Visio.
After some minutes of investigation and checking the Logs on Client, XenApp server and so on we’ve finally checked the EventLog on the Webinterface server and found the following error:
Event 31007
Site path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\PNAgent. The Citrix servers are not licensed to support workspace control. This message was reported from the XML Service at address [com.citrix.xml.NFuseProtocol.RequestReconnectSessionData]. [Unique Log ID: a5e760c4] For specific information about this message, see the Web Interface documentation at
Now we remembered that we consolidated some Citrix license server’s and changed the license server for this farm some days ago. Of course we rebooted all XenApp servers, but not the Webinterface servers because they don’t use a special license server. A reboot of the Citrix Webinterface server solved this issue.