StoreFront – Allow relogin without browser close
Citrix StoreFront is able to handle Logins with SmartCards, and after a successful SmartCard Login you cannot Logoff and Login again before you close the Browser, you will see this message:
You have logged off successfully. Please close your browser to protect your account.
According the message, this is a feature and not a bug … Not in every case a Re-Login is a security problem as for example if SmartCards are mandatory in general you need to logon also on the VDI or the application with your SmartCard.
Especially as an Admin working with multiple accounts it can be very annoying.
In scope of the CTP program I’ve asked Citrix to improve that and give Citrix admins the possibility to configure this security feature in future versions. Now when StoreFront 3.8 was released I complained that this is still not implemented.
Feng Huang then gave me the hint that this is actually configurable but not yet implemented into the GUI.
All what must be done is to add the line CTXS.allowReloginWithoutBrowserClose = true in the file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix\YOURSTORE\custom\script.js
THANKS Citrix for Listening to special requests!
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