Monthly Archives: October 2016
PowerManagement for dedicated Citrix desktops? Yes with Tags!
Are you using Tags in your XenApp & XenDesktop environment? Maybe you should. Tags to resources, in my case desktops can be very powerful especially in combination with PoSh scripts. You can do actions for machines depending on the tag. Of course you also can use tags to filter Citrix policies on it, also useful.
I had the Problem that I have a delivery group with dedicated Win10 desktops so for dedicated desktops there is no power management. Usually it’s also not needed because if a user launch a Citrix Session over Storefront the machine get’s powered on. The problem in my case, sometimes users connects on an other ways than Citrix to his desktop, so this built-it construct doesn’t work. So if they shutdown their virtual Desktop they can newer ever access it until an admin power it on over director or studio.
My solution to this was, I tagged this special user machines with a tag “AlwaysOnline” in Studio and I wrote this small script which runs every 15 minutes:
param([string]$tags=$(throw "Tag parameter is required"), [string]$poweroperation=$(throw "Power operaton parameter is required")) #============================================================================================== # Created on: 09.2016 Version: 0.2 # Created by: Sacha Thomet # File name: PowerOperation-DependingMachineTags.ps1 # # Description: This is a Powershell to change the PowerState of VDI's or XenApp Servers in # a PowerManaged XenDesktop 7.x environment accodring to Tags. # # Prerequisite: None, a XenDesktop Controller with according privileges necessary # # Call by : Manual or Scheduled Task #============================================================================================== # Load only the snap-ins, which are used if ((Get-PSSnapin "Citrix.Broker.Admin.*" -EA silentlycontinue) -eq $null) { try { Add-PSSnapin Citrix.Broker.Admin.* -ErrorAction Stop } catch { write-error "Error Get-PSSnapin Citrix.Broker.Admin.* Powershell snapin"; Return } } # Change the below variables to suit your environment #============================================================================================== $maxmachines = "1000" # as default only 250 records, this increase it to 1000 #$tags = "AlwaysOnline" # if you comment out the param line you can have the tag here #$poweroperation = "TurnOn" # if you comment out the param line you can have the poweroperation here $machines = Get-BrokerMachine -MaxRecordCount $maxmachines | Where-Object {$_.tags -eq $tags } foreach($machine in $machines) { $machinename = $machine | %{ $_.MachineName } Write-Host "Action $poweroperation will be performed for $machinename " New-BrokerHostingPowerAction -Action $poweroperation -MachineName $machinename }
I know I know, this is not a common use case, but the script construct show what is possible with tags … there are almost unlimited possibility to cover special cases with tags.
My example Script on GitHub: PowerOperation-DependingMachineTags.ps1