Monthly Archives: December 2015
Happy New Script – PVS 7.7 HealthCheck
We are close to the New Year 2016 and I want to wish you all the best for 2016!
I’m already happy now, because I can publish some hours after the PVS 7.7 release from Citrix this Script:
Today Citrix released XenApp/XenDesktop 7.7 and Citrix Provisioning Services 7.7. There are a bunch of new features, but for me the most important thing, beside of the Win10 support, is
…. drum roll ….
the new PVS PowerShell API. PoSh with PVS 7.6 and below was a pain … To know what else is new in PVS look here: PVS 7.7 New in this release
Now PVS comes with a real PoSh interface which gave more back than a bundle of strings. I had the chance to play around with PVS 7.7 Tech Preview and so here you have already the PVS HealthCheck Script for Version 7.7 in a complete new developed version:
If you have a feature request or a bug report please post it direct on GitHub.
This version doesn’t work with PVS 7.6 and below, if you have an older version than 7.7 take this script: Citrix PVS HealthCheck
Update 11.04.2016: Performance-Improvement, Change the order of the table, all the VDI status now at the end.
Update 09.05.2016: Bugfix & Input from Jay, get CPU/Memory/Disk usage of PVS.
Update 27.05.2016: Now my Script is on GitHub
I’m an absolute GitHub newbie … for this reason I leave it still also here as a download until I’m really comfortable with GitHub.
The code is on GitHub:
Control MyStrom smart plug by a trigger (ifttt or octoblu)
Some weeks ago I bought my first smart plug from MyStrom. If you are living in Switzerland you have only a limited choice of smart plugs because of the non EU standard plug (T13).
MyStrom is pretty cool because it mets almost all my requirement, there is a possibility to measure to power consumption within two rates (day and night), it’s controllable with the mobile phone app and there is a nice web interface.
But one thing I miss, I cannot react to triggers and power of the smart plug on a defined event. Like already in an earlier post mentioned there is a REST API which allows to control the plug from the internal network. (See Another LaMetric IoT script – power control)
Last day’s I just found the API documentation which allows to control the MyStrom out of the cloud:
So I have now all to connect this Thing to the Internet and react on a trigger.
Possibility 1: The everything imaginable way,
MyStrom and Octoblu
If you are using Octoblu beta, which is currently available for everyone for free you can create very intelligent workflows to control your smart plug. You can react to twitter and power of or on depending what is twittered, you can power off your heater as soon a temperature is reached, you can stop charge as soon your device have a defined state of charge.
The Things you connect use with Octoblu are nearly infinite.
Octoblu is for advanced use, and to be honest I’m also on the learning phase! I do not describe here more details for this case. There are a lot of sample blueprints on . Octoblu was acquired by Citrix in 2015.
Possibility 2: The easy way,
MyStrom and IFTTT
This way is suitable for “Home use” and for people who only want to create a simple workflow where a trigger initiate for example a Power On or Power Of of the smart plug.
All what you need is a Control-Script on a Webserver with PHP on the Internet, and a IFTTT account.
How it works: The script is very simple, it just handle the authentication process on the API, read the AuthToken out of the JSON answer and Push out the payload with the AuthToken. IFTTT just take the trigger and call the script with the username, passwort and the payload which you can build from the API
Example: I want to control my smart plug by twitter, if I twitter #lightsoff
Step 1:
Take this script and put it on your webserver:
<!--?php /* V0.1 by Sacha Thomet,, 12-2015 This script can be used to control the MyStrom power outlet with IFTTT. In IFTTT you need to take the MAKER component to make a web request. The script must be called with 3 parameters: - Your MyStrom username (email) - Your MyStrom password - the decided payload e.g. ../device/switch?on=true%id=64002D012305 to turn on your device with Mac 64002D012305 Documentation of all API calls: Attention! You need to replace in your payload all "&" with a "%" !! Example: myStromAuthenticator.php? */ //create variables from parameter $email = ($_GET["email"]); $password = ($_GET["password"]); $payload = ($_GET["payload"]); //myStrom host with the parameters to gather the AuthToken $host = "$email&password=$password"; $filestring = file_get_contents($host); //format the AuthToken that only the token remain from the JSON Answer $startpos = 0; while($pos = strpos($filestring, "authToken", $startpos)) { $string = substr($filestring, $pos, strpos($filestring, "name", $pos + 1) - $pos); //echo $string. " "; $newstring = str_replace("authToken","","$string"); $newstring2 = str_replace('"',"",$newstring); $newstring3 = str_replace(":","","$newstring2"); $authCode = str_replace(",","","$newstring3"); echo " AuthCode is $authCode " ; $startpos = $pos + 1; } // Because & cannot submitted in a $_GET we subsitute it with a % $correctpayload = str_replace("%","&","$payload"); echo "Full payload is: $correctpayload&authToken=$authCode"; $fullpayload = "$correctpayload&authToken=$authCode"; $payloadString = file_get_contents($fullpayload); ?-->
Step 2:
Create a recipe on IFTTT, use Twitter as Trigger and Maker as Action. In maker you create your request:
e.g. the payload to turn of the device with Mac 64002D012325 is:
The result should be that:
You create 2 of those recipies, one to Power On and one to Power Off
Now you can twitter you defined hashtags to control your smart plug.