Monitor you Profile directories
Since I had worked as a Citrix administrator the size of the profile directories was always a contemporary issue. It’s a fact that with new technologies like Citrix User Profile Manager the possibilities are grown and the life is easier with exclusion lists and profile streaming features. But it’s still a topic to consider if you are a Citrix admin or system engineer. I worked in former company with tools like TreeSize ( or WinDir Stat ( But in some company they wont to spend money for tools which is only usable for one administrator or they don’t trust to OpenSource software (TreeSize).
I have the approach to solve every possible problem with on-board tools. So I created now a small script what give me the possibility to check my Profile directory with one recursive level so that I get each Size of a Profile within his subdirectories.:
#============================================================================================== # Created on: 10.2015 Version: 0.3 # Created by: Sacha Thomet # Filename: GetSubdirSizes.ps1 # # # Description: Collect Size of Dir's and Subsirs # # Prerequisite: None # # Call by : Manual # # Change Log: # V0.1 first version # V0.2 only 1 recursive subfolder # V0.3 corrections of calculation # #============================================================================================== $path = "\localhostC$tempprofiles" $top = "4000" $outputpath = "C:tempSubdirSize-Report.txt" Function Get-FolderSize { $Sizes = 0 ForEach ($Item in (Get-ChildItem $Path)) { If ($Item.PSIsContainer) {$Sizes = (Get-ChildItem $path"$Item" -recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum).sum} Else {Write-Host "No Subfolder"} $SizeFormated = "{0:N2}" -f ($Sizes/1MB) New-Object PSObject -Property @{'Folder'=$Item;'Size'=$SizeFormated } } } $outfile = Get-FolderSize $path | sort -property Size –Descending |select -first $top $outfile | out-file $outputpath echo $outfile
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