Monthly Archives: August 2014
Citrix PVS HealthCheck
Problem: There is currently no free tool to check the health status of a Citrix Provisioning Services farm with all Citrix relevant parameters. There are monitoring tools which tell you if a server is up and running or if it’s not, but now tool who gives you a special overview for Citrix Provisioning Services according to how much targets on which server, how much communication retries on which target an so on.
Since some year’s I’m using the XenApp Health Check from Jason Poyner ( to get daily a status of my environment(s). I really appreciate the work from Jason, if you don’t know it until now, you really need have a look on his blog and on the Script . The mentioned XenApp Farm Health Check Script gave me the inspiration to create a similar Health Check Script for my Citrix Provisioning Server farm. To be honest, and I’m happy that Jason doesn’t mind, that I have “recycled” some parts, or say the “framework” of his XenApp Farm Health Check script to build my Script.
The script I built can be scheduled with a Windows task which trigger a run once a day and send out a email with the attached HTML-Report:
I’ve written the Script to perform the checks in 3 Parts:
Target Devices:
- Ping
- Retry (Threshold configurable, default is 15)
- PVS Disk (Value which I read from PVS farm with get-mcli)
PVS Disk (Value which is written in the personality.ini on the Target)- PVS disk version (V1.2)
- The vDisk-Store *
- PVS Server
- WriteCache Size
* like you can read in my BlogPost “Achieve fastest Citrix Provisioning Target Device” I propose to have the vDisk Store local on each provisioning server. So I can check with that column if the Target is booting from the correct vDisk store. The Master Store is on CIFS and only used for updates of the Image.
- Replication state (PVS don’t replicate anything – but can check if the vDisks on all servers are equal)
- DeviceCount to see how many targets are currently reading from this Image
- Load Balancing algorithm
(Green if Best Effort because I want to have subnet affinity – feel free to change for your need. I have two data centers with two separated subnet’s – so I can guarantee that each target stream from his own data centre as long the server is available. Just in case of an outage of all PVS server in one DC it fail over to the other DC ) - WriteCache Type
- Name & Date of the vDisk
PVS Servers:
- Ping
- Active
- How many device are connected
Don’t forget to register the PVS SnapIn DLL e.g. with .Net Framework 2.0 with the command:
“C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe” “C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services Console\McliPSSnapIn.dll”
Otherwise you get a blank output. If you have another .Net Framework version or path, please adjust the path in the command!
#============================================================================================== # Created on: 08.2014 Version: 1.63 # Created by: Sacha Thomet, / # Filename: Citrix-PVS-Farm-Health-toHTML.ps1 # # Special Thanks to: # - Jason Poyner ... I've borrowed parts of the script and ideas to create this # PVS health check script. Check his excellent XenApp Health Check @ # - Martin Hartmann to share his PowerShell KnowHow with me. # # Description: This script checks Citrix Provisioning Server, Farm, vDisk & Target devices. # # Prerequisite: Script must run on a PVS server, where MCLI snap-in is registered. # Register SnapIn with command: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe # "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services Console\McliPSSnapIn.dll" # # Call by : Scheduled Task, e.g. once a day # # Change Log: # V1.1: Consolidated code # V1.2: Add possibility to check only specified Versions # V1.3: New version after Citrix Synergy 2015 GeekOvation Award nomination. # With correction of typos and add some documentation lines. # V1.4: Possibility for multiple stores (Thanks to Kafedzhiev for the code) (08-2015) # V1.5: Show create date of vDisk, FileName and the count of the used vDisk (09-2015) # V1.6: Add RamCache used from each target, added code by Jonathan Pitre, # code from Matthew Nics (10-2015) # V1.61: Changed RamCache to general WriteCache, add possibility to get Size of Cache on HD # V1.62: Correction in Header to show correct farm name instead a "6", correction in # LoadBalancingAlgorithm, Error if a disk is assigned fix to a server. # V1.63: Check of Stream-, Soap-, and TFTP-Service (12-2015) # # # THIS SCRIPT IS FOR PVS 7.6 AND BELOW. ASK FOR BETA VERSION OF PVS 7.7 HEALTH CHECK SCRIPT # IF YOU ARE USING THE TECHPREVIEW OF PVS 7.7 WITH COMPLETE NEW POSH-IMPLEMENTATION # # #============================================================================================== if ((Get-PSSnapin "McliPSSnapIn" -EA silentlycontinue) -eq $null) { try { Add-PSSnapin McliPSSnapIn -ErrorAction Stop } catch { write-error "Error loading PVS McliPSSnapIn PowerShell snapin"; Return } } # Change the below variables to suit your environment #============================================================================================== # Target Device Health Check threshold: $retrythresholdWarning= "15" # define the Threshold from how many retries the color switch to red # Include for Device Collections, type "every" if you want to see every Collection # Example1: $Collections = @("XA65","XA5") # Example2: $Collections = @("every") $Collections = @("every") # Information about the site you want to check: $siteName="site" # site name on which the according Store is. # E-mail report details $emailFrom = "" $emailTo = ""#,"" $smtpServer = "" $emailSubjectStart = "PVS Farm Report" $mailprio = "High" #============================================================================================== $currentDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $logfile = Join-Path $currentDir ("PVSHealthCheck.log") $resultsHTM = Join-Path $currentDir ("PVSFarmReport.htm") $errorsHTM = Join-Path $currentDir ("PVSHealthCheckErrors.htm") #Header for Table 1 "Target Device Checks" $TargetfirstheaderName = "TargetDeviceName" $TargetheaderNames = "CollectionName", "Ping", "Retry", "vDisk_PVS", "vDisk_Version", "WriteCache", "PVSServer" $TargetheaderWidths = "4", "4", "4", "4", "2" , "4", "4" $Targettablewidth = 1200 #Header for Table 2 "vDisk Checks" $vDiksFirstheaderName = "vDisk" $vDiskheaderNames = "Store", "vDiskFileName", "deviceCount", "CreateDate" , "ReplState", "LoadBalancingAlgorithm", "WriteCacheType" $vDiskheaderWidths = "4", "8", "2","4", "4", "4", "4" $vDisktablewidth = 1200 #Header for Table 3 "PV Server" $PVSfirstheaderName = "PVS Server" $PVSHeaderNames = "Ping", "Active", "deviceCount","SoapService","StreamService","TFTPService" $PVSheaderWidths = "4", "4", "4","4","4","4" $PVStablewidth = 600 #Header for Table 4 "Farm" $PVSFirstFarmheaderName = "FarmChecks" $PVSFarmHeaderNames = "Setting", "Value" $PVSFarmWidths = "4", "8", "8" $PVSFarmTablewidth = 400 #============================================================================================== #log function function LogMe() { Param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $logEntry, [switch]$display, [switch]$error, [switch]$warning, [switch]$progress ) if ($error) { $logEntry = "[ERROR] $logEntry" ; Write-Host "$logEntry" -Foregroundcolor Red} elseif ($warning) { Write-Warning "$logEntry" ; $logEntry = "[WARNING] $logEntry"} elseif ($progress) { Write-Host "$logEntry" -Foregroundcolor Green} elseif ($display) { Write-Host "$logEntry" } #$logEntry = ((Get-Date -uformat "%D %T") + " - " + $logEntry) $logEntry | Out-File $logFile -Append } #============================================================================================== function Ping([string]$hostname, [int]$timeout = 200) { $ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping #creates a ping object try { $result = $ping.send($hostname, $timeout).Status.ToString() } catch { $result = "Failure" } return $result } #============================================================================================== Function writeHtmlHeader { param($title, $fileName) $date = ( Get-Date -format R) $head = @" <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'> <title>$title</title> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- td { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; border-top: 1px solid #999999; border-right: 1px solid #999999; border-bottom: 1px solid #999999; border-left: 1px solid #999999; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; overflow: hidden; } body { margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; table { table-layout:fixed; border: thin solid #000000; } --> </style> </head> <body> <table width='1200'> <tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'> <td colspan='7' height='48' align='center' valign="middle"> <font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'> <strong>$title - $date</strong></font> </td> </tr> </table> "@ $head | Out-File $fileName } # ============================================================================================== Function writeTableHeader { param($fileName, $firstheaderName, $headerNames, $headerWidths, $tablewidth) $tableHeader = @" <table width='$tablewidth'> <tbody> <tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC> <td width='6%' align='center'><strong>$firstheaderName</strong></td> "@ $i = 0 while ($i -lt $headerNames.count) { $headerName = $headerNames[$i] $headerWidth = $headerWidths[$i] $tableHeader += " <td width='" + $headerWidth + "%' align='center'><strong>$headerName</strong></td> " $i++ } $tableHeader += "</tr> " $tableHeader | Out-File $fileName -append } # ============================================================================================== Function writeTableFooter { param($fileName) "</table> "| Out-File $fileName -append } #============================================================================================== Function writeData { param($data, $fileName, $headerNames) $data.Keys | sort | foreach { $tableEntry += " <tr>" $computerName = $_ $tableEntry += (" <td bgcolor='#CCCCCC' align=center><font color='#003399'>$computerName</font></td> ") #$data.$_.Keys | foreach { $headerNames | foreach { #"$computerName : $_" | LogMe -display try { if ($data.$computerName.$_[0] -eq "SUCCESS") { $bgcolor = "#387C44"; $fontColor = "#FFFFFF" } elseif ($data.$computerName.$_[0] -eq "WARNING") { $bgcolor = "#FF7700"; $fontColor = "#FFFFFF" } elseif ($data.$computerName.$_[0] -eq "ERROR") { $bgcolor = "#FF0000"; $fontColor = "#FFFFFF" } else { $bgcolor = "#CCCCCC"; $fontColor = "#003399" } $testResult = $data.$computerName.$_[1] } catch { $bgcolor = "#CCCCCC"; $fontColor = "#003399" $testResult = "" } $tableEntry += (" <td bgcolor='" + $bgcolor + "' align=center><font color='" + $fontColor + "'>$testResult</font></td> ") } $tableEntry += "</tr> " } $tableEntry | Out-File $fileName -append } # ============================================================================================== Function writeHtmlFooter { param($fileName) @" <table> <table width='1200'> <tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'> <td colspan='7' height='25' align='left'> <font face='courier' color='#000000' size='2'><strong>Retry Threshold =</strong></font><font color='#003399' face='courier' size='2'> $retrythresholdWarning <tr></font> <tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'> </tr> </table> </body> </html> "@ | Out-File $FileName -append } #============================================================================================== # == MAIN SCRIPT == #============================================================================================== rm $logfile -force -EA SilentlyContinue "Begin with Citrix Provisioning Services HealthCheck" | LogMe -display -progress " " | LogMe -display -progress # ======= PVS Target Device Check ======== "Check PVS Target Devices" | LogMe -display -progress " " | LogMe -display -progress $allResults = @{} $pvsdevices = mcli-get device -f deviceName | Select-String deviceName foreach($target in $pvsdevices) { $tests = @{} # Check to see if the server is in an excluded folder path $target | Select-String deviceName $_targetshort = $target -replace "deviceName: ","" $pvcollectionName = mcli-get deviceinfo -p devicename=$_targetshort | select-string collectionName $short_collectionName = $pvcollectionName.ToString().TrimStart("collectionName: ") #Only Check Servers in defined Collections: if ($Collections -contains $short_collectionName -Or $Collections -contains "every") { $target | Select-String deviceName $_targetshort = $target -replace "deviceName: ","" $_targetshort | LogMe -display -progress # Ping server $result = Ping $_targetshort 100 if ($result -ne "SUCCESS") { $tests.Ping = "ERROR", $result } else { $tests.Ping = "SUCCESS", $result } #CollectionName $pvcollectionName = mcli-get deviceinfo -p devicename=$_targetshort | select-string collectionName $short_collectionName = $pvcollectionName.ToString().TrimStart("collectionName: ") $tests.CollectionName = "NEUTRAL", "$short_collectionName" # Test Retries $devicestatus = mcli-get deviceinfo -p devicename=$_targetshort -f status $retrycount = $devicestatus[4].TrimStart("status: ") -as [int] if ($retrycount -lt $retrythresholdWarning) { $tests.Retry = "SUCCESS", "$retrycount Retry = OK" } else { $tests.Retry = "WARNING","$retrycount retries!" } #Check assigned Image $devicediskFileName = mcli-get deviceinfo -p devicename=$_targetshort | select-string diskFileName $short_devicediskFileName = $devicediskFileName.ToString().TrimStart("diskFileName: ") $tests.vDisk_PVS = "SUCCESS", "$short_devicediskFileName" #Check assigned Image Version $devicediskVersion = mcli-get deviceinfo -p devicename=$_targetshort | select-string diskVersion: $short_devicediskVersion = $devicediskVersion.ToString().TrimStart("diskVersion: ") $tests.vDisk_Version = "SUCCESS", "$short_devicediskVersion" #PVS-Server $PVSServername = mcli-get deviceinfo -p devicename=$_targetshort | select-string serverName $short_PVSServername = $PVSServername.ToString().TrimStart("serverName: ") $tests.PVSServer = "Neutral", "$short_PVSServername" ################ PVS WriteCache SECTION ############### if (test-path \\$_targetshort\c$\Personality.ini) { $wconhd = "" $wconhd = Get-Content \\$_targetshort\c$\Personality.ini | Where-Object {$_.Contains("WriteCacheType=4") } If ($wconhd -match "$WriteCacheType=4") {Write-Host Cache on HDD #WWC on HD is $wconhd # Relative path to the PVS vDisk write cache file $PvsWriteCache = "d$\.vdiskcache" # Size of the local PVS write cache drive $PvsWriteMaxSize = 10gb # size in GB $PvsWriteCacheUNC = Join-Path "\\$_targetshort" $PvsWriteCache $CacheDiskexists = Test-Path $PvsWriteCacheUNC if ($CacheDiskexists -eq $True) { $CacheDisk = [long] ((get-childitem $PvsWriteCacheUNC -force).length) $CacheDiskGB = "{0:n2}GB" -f($CacheDisk / 1GB) "PVS Cache file size: {0:n2}GB" -f($CacheDisk / 1GB) | LogMe #"PVS Cache max size: {0:n2}GB" -f($PvsWriteMaxSize / 1GB) | LogMe -display if($CacheDisk -lt ($PvsWriteMaxSize * 0.5)) { "WriteCache file size is low" | LogMe $tests.WriteCache = "SUCCESS", $CacheDiskGB } elseif($CacheDisk -lt ($PvsWriteMaxSize * 0.8)) { "WriteCache file size moderate" | LogMe -display -warning $tests.WriteCache = "WARNING", $CacheDiskGB } else { "WriteCache file size is high" | LogMe -display -error $tests.WriteCache = "ERORR", $CacheDiskGB } } $Cachedisk = 0 $VDISKImage = get-content \\$_targetshort\c$\Personality.ini | Select-String "Diskname" | Out-String | % { $_.substring(12)} if($VDISKImage -Match $DefaultVDISK){ "Default vDisk detected" | LogMe $tests.vDisk = "SUCCESS", $VDISKImage } else { "vDisk unknown" | LogMe -display -error $tests.vDisk = "SUCCESS", $VDISKImage } } else {Write-Host Cache on Ram #RAMCache #Get-RamCache from each target, code from Matthew Nics $RAMCache = [math]::truncate((Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory -ComputerName $_targetshort).PoolNonPagedBytes /1MB) $tests.WriteCache = "Neutral", "$RamCache MB on Ram" } } else {Write-Host WriteCache not readable $tests.WriteCache = "Neutral", "Cache not readable" } ############## END PVS WriteCache SECTION ############# #Forward results to $allResult array which will be written in HTM-File $allResults.$_targetshort = $tests } } # ======= PVS vDisk Check #================================================================== "Check PVS vDisks" | LogMe -display -progress " " | LogMe -display -progress $storenames = mcli-get store | Select-string storename $vdiskResults = @{} foreach ($storenameA in $storenames) { $storename = $storenameA -replace "storename: ","" $storeid = mcli-get store -p storeName=$storename | Select-String storeId $storeid_short = $storeid -replace "storeId: ","" $alldisks = Mcli-Get disklocator -p siteName=$siteName, storeId=$storeid_short | Select-String diskLocatorName foreach($disk in $alldisks) { $disk1 = $disk | Select-String diskLocatorName $disklocator_short = $disk1 -replace "diskLocatorName: ","" foreach($diksloc in $disklocator_short) { $VDtests = @{} $DiskVersion = Mcli-Get DiskVersion -p diskLocatorName=$disklocator_short, siteName=$siteName, storeName=$storename $diskreplstatus = $DiskVersion | Select-String goodInventoryStatus $diskreplstatus_short = $diskreplstatus -replace "goodInventoryStatus: ","" $disklocator_short $diskreplstatus_short # vDiskFileName & createDate $pathA = mcli-get store -p storeName=$storename | Select-String path -casesensitive $path = $pathA -replace "path: ","" $diskfilenameA = Mcli-Get DiskVersion -p diskLocatorName=$disklocator_short, siteName=$siteName, storeName=$storename | Select-String diskFileName $diskfilename = $diskfilenameA -replace "diskFileName: "," " $createDateA = Mcli-Get DiskVersion -p diskLocatorName=$disklocator_short, siteName=$siteName, storeName=$storename | Select-String createDate $createDate = $createDateA -replace "createDate: "," " $VDtests.vDiskFileName = "OK", " $diskfilename" Write-Host ("Path is $path $disklocator_short $diskfilename") $VDtests.createDate = "OK", " $createDate" Write-Host ("Path is $path $disklocator_short $createDate") $vdiskResults.$disklocator_short = $VDtests #Check if correct replicated if($diskreplstatus_short -eq 1 ){ "$disklocator_short correct replicated" | LogMe $VDtests.ReplState = "SUCCESS", "Replication is OK" } else { "$disklocator_short not correct replicated " | LogMe -display -error $VDtests.ReplState = "ERROR", "Replication is NOT OK" } # Check deviceCount: $diskdevicecount = $DiskVersion | Select-String deviceCount $diskdevicecounts_short = $diskdevicecount -replace "deviceCount: "," " $VDtests.deviceCount = "OK", "$diskdevicecounts_short " #Label Storename $VDtests.Store = "OK", " $storename " Write-Host ("Store is $storename") $vdiskResults.$disklocator_short = $VDtests # Check for LB-Algorithm # ---------------------- # Feel free to change it to the the from you desired State (e.g.Exchange a SUCCESS with a WARNING) # In this default configuration "BestEffort" or "None" is desired and appears green on the output. # is desired) #ServeName must be empty! otherwise no LB is active! $LBnoServer = "" $LBnoServer_short = "" $LBnoServer = Mcli-Get disklocator -p siteName=$siteName, storeName=$storename, diskLocatorName=$disklocator_short | Select-String serverName $LBnoServer_short = $LBnoServer -replace "serverName: ","" Write-Host ("vDisk is fix assigned to $LBnoServer") #not assigned to a server if ($LBnoServer_short -eq "") { $LBAlgo = Mcli-Get disklocator -p siteName=$siteName, storeName=$storename | Select-String subnetAffinity $LBAlgo_short = $LBAlgo -replace "subnetAffinity: ","" #SubnetAffinity: 1=Best Effort, 2= fixed, 0=none if($LBAlgo_short -eq 1 ){ "LB-Algorythm is set to BestEffort" | LogMe $VDtests.LoadBalancingAlgorithm = "SUCCESS", "LB is set to BEST EFFORT"} elseif($LBAlgo_short -eq 2 ){ "LB-Algorythm is set to fixed" | LogMe $VDtests.LoadBalancingAlgorithm = "WARNING", "LB is set to FIXED"} elseif($LBAlgo_short -eq 0 ){ "LB-Algorythm is set to none" | LogMe $VDtests.LoadBalancingAlgorithm = "SUCCESS", "LB is set to NONE, least busy server is used"} } #Disk fix assigned to a server else { $VDtests.LoadBalancingAlgorithm = "ERROR", "vDisk is fix assigned to $LBnoServer, no LoadBalancing!"} } #Check for WriteCacheType # ----------------------- # Feel free to change it to the the from you desired State (e.g.Exchange a SUCCESS with a WARNING) # In this default configuration, only "Cache to Ram with overflow" and "Cache to Device Hard disk" is desired and appears green on the output. $WriteCacheType = Mcli-Get DiskInfo -p diskLocatorName=$disklocator_short, siteName=$siteName, storeName=$storename $WriteCacheType_short = $WriteCacheType -replace "WriteCacheType: ","" #$WriteCacheType 9=RamOfToHD 0=PrivateMode 4=DeviceHD 8=DeviceHDPersistent 3=DeviceRAM 1=PVSServer 7=ServerPersistent if($WriteCacheType_short -eq 9 ){ "WC is set to Cache to Device Ram with overflow to HD" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "SUCCESS", "WC Cache to Ram with overflow to HD"} elseif($WriteCacheType_short -eq 0 ){ "WC is not set because vDisk is in PrivateMode (R/W)" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "Error", "vDisk is in PrivateMode (R/W) "} elseif($WriteCacheType_short -eq 4 ){ "WC is set to Cache to Device Hard Disk" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "SUCCESS", "WC is set to Cache to Device Hard Disk"} elseif($WriteCacheType_short -eq 8 ){ "WC is set to Cache to Device Hard Disk Persistent" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "Error", "WC is set to Cache to Device Hard Disk Persistent"} elseif($WriteCacheType_short -eq 3 ){ "WC is set to Cache to Device Ram" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "WARNING", "WC is set to Cache to Device Ram"} elseif($WriteCacheType_short -eq 1 ){ "WC is set to Cache to PVS Server HD" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "Error", "WC is set to Cache to PVS Server HD"} elseif($WriteCacheType_short -eq 7 ){ "WC is set to Cache to PVS Server HD Persistent" | LogMe $VDtests.WriteCacheType = "Error", "WC is set to Cache to PVS Server HD Persistent"} } } # ======= PVS Server Check ================================================================== "Check PVS Servers" | LogMe -display -progress " " | LogMe -display -progress $PVSResults = @{} $allPVSServer = mcli-get server | Select-String serverName foreach($PVServerName in $allPVSServer) { $PVStests = @{} $PVServerName1 = $PVServerName | Select-String serverName $PVServerName_short = $PVServerName1 -replace "serverName: ","" $PVServerName_short # Ping server $result = Ping $PVServerName_short 100 if ($result -ne "SUCCESS") { $PVStests.Ping = "ERROR", $result } else { $PVStests.Ping = "SUCCESS", $result } #Check PVS Service Status $serverstatus = mcli-get ServerStatus -p serverName=$PVServerName_short -f status $actviestatus = $serverstatus[4].TrimStart("status: ") -as [int] if ($actviestatus -eq 1) { $PVStests.Active = "SUCCESS", "active" } else { $PVStests.Active = "Error","inactive" } # Check services if ((Get-Service -Name "soapserver" -ComputerName $PVServerName_short).Status -Match "Running") { "SoapService running..." | LogMe $PVStests.SoapService = "SUCCESS", "Success" } else { "SoapService service stopped" | LogMe -display -error $PVStests.SoapService = "ERROR", "Error" } if ((Get-Service -Name "StreamService" -ComputerName $PVServerName_short).Status -Match "Running") { "StreamService service running..." | LogMe $PVStests.StreamService = "SUCCESS","Success" } else { "StreamService service stopped" | LogMe -display -error $PVStests.StreamService = "ERROR","Error" } if ((Get-Service -Name "BNTFTP" -ComputerName $PVServerName_short).Status -Match "Running") { "TFTP service running..." | LogMe $PVStests.TFTPService = "SUCCESS","Success" } else { "TFTP service stopped" | LogMe -display -error $PVStests.TFTPService = "ERROR","Error" } #Check PVS deviceCount $serverdevicecount = mcli-get ServerStatus -p serverName=$PVServerName_short -f deviceCount $numberofdevices = $serverdevicecount[4].TrimStart("deviceCount: ") -as [int] if ($numberofdevices -gt 1) { $PVStests.deviceCount = "SUCCESS", " $numberofdevices active" } else { $PVStests.deviceCount = "WARNING","No devices on this server" } $PVSResults.$PVServerName_short = $PVStests } # ======= PVS Farm Check ==================================================================== "Read some PVS Farm Parameters" | LogMe -display -progress " " | LogMe -display -progress $PVSFarmResults = @{} $PVSfarms = mcli-get Farm #| Select-String FarmName $farmname = mcli-get Farm | Select-String FarmName $farmname_short = $farmname -replace "farmName: ","" $Nr=0 foreach($PVSFarm in $PVSfarms) { $PVSFarmtests = @{} # remove not needed record parts if ($PVSFarm -like '*description*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*record*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*failover*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*executing*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*defaultSiteName*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*autoAddEnabled*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*role*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*audit*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*defaultSiteId*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*maxVersions*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*databaseInstanceName*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*farmId*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*merge*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -like '*adGroups*'){continue;} if ($PVSFarm -ne '') { $Nr += 1 $arr = $PVSFarm -split ': ' $farmsetting = $arr[0] $PVSFarmtests.Setting = "NEUTRAL", "$farmsetting" $arr = $PVSFarm -split ': ' $farmsettingvalue = $arr[1] $PVSFarmtests.Value = "NEUTRAL", "$farmsettingvalue" $farmnr=$Nr $PVSFarmResults.$farmnr = $PVSFarmtests } } # ======= Write all results to an html file ================================================= Write-Host ("Saving results to html report: " + $resultsHTM) writeHtmlHeader "PVS Farm Report $farmname_short" $resultsHTM writeTableHeader $resultsHTM $TargetFirstheaderName $TargetheaderNames $TargetheaderWidths $TargetTablewidth $allResults | sort-object -property collectionName | % { writeData $allResults $resultsHTM $TargetheaderNames} writeTableFooter $resultsHTM writeTableHeader $resultsHTM $vDiksFirstheaderName $vDiskheaderNames $vDiskheaderWidths $vDisktablewidth $vdiskResults | sort-object -property ReplState | % { writeData $vdiskResults $resultsHTM $vDiskheaderNames } writeTableFooter $resultsHTM writeTableHeader $resultsHTM $PVSFirstheaderName $PVSheaderNames $PVSheaderWidths $PVStablewidth $PVSResults | sort-object -property PVServerName_short | % { writeData $PVSResults $resultsHTM $PVSheaderNames} writeTableFooter $resultsHTM writeTableHeader $resultsHTM $PVSFirstFarmheaderName $PVSFarmHeaderNames $PVSFarmWidths $PVSFarmTablewidth $PVSFarmResults | % { writeData $PVSFarmResults $resultsHTM $PVSFarmHeaderNames} writeTableFooter $resultsHTM writeHtmlFooter $resultsHTM #send email $emailSubject = ("$emailSubjectStart - $farmname_short - " + (Get-Date -format R)) $mailMessageParameters = @{ From = $emailFrom To = $emailTo Subject = $emailSubject SmtpServer = $smtpServer Body = (gc $resultsHTM) | Out-String Attachment = $resultsHTM } # Send mail if you wish Send-MailMessage @mailMessageParameters -BodyAsHtml -Priority $mailprio
or Download the file on GitHub: Citrix-PVS-Farm-Health-toHTML.ps1
Question or suggestion for improvement? Just contact me.
Update 12.11.14: Now in version 1.2 it’s possible to define the device collection which should be checked. An other additional feature is that the script shows the version of the vDisk.
Update 15.08.15: Now in version 1.4 it’s possible to have more than just one vDisk store.
Update 16.09.15: Now in version 1.5 the vDisk file name, it’s date and the count of the used disk will be showed.
Update 14.10.15: Version 1.61 New feature, PVS Cache (on disk or Ram) will be reported. / 20.10.2015 1.62: fixed some bugs (see comments)
Update 29.12.15: If you use PVS 7.7 or higher check out the new blog post with the 7.7 Script:
Because of the Release of PVS with the new PoSh API the further development of this Script is discontinued. Sorry.